Monday 21 November 2011

Act 1

It is a shame that the Montague's and the Capulet's are in a fight. They both have honorable reputations in the community and they should really get over their differences. It's too bad they have been enemies for so long, together they could have a lot of power. I made a request to Capulet, I would very much like to marry his daughter Juliet. I thought it was a very reasonable request, I could give Juliet a long happy life with me. Capulet did not deny my question to him but he said I could not marry her right away because she is far too young. He was concerned that I would take away his youngest daughter from him and he was not yet ready for that. I tried to convince Capulet that girls younger than her marry but he would not reconsider his decision. He claimed that girls who marry young grow up too fast. When the time comes I will be very thankful to marry beautiful Juliet and I will charm her and make her love me. Capulet said he would give me his blessing to marry his daughter when the time is right but the decision to marry me is Juliet's choice. He claimed his blessing and fair words will confirm her choice. I will get my chance to officially meet Juliet tonight at the Mascarade Ball and I hope it all goes well. I hope she likes me and I am sure I will immediately like her because I have been waiting for so long to meet her.