Thursday 1 December 2011

Act 3

So today apparently I missed a rather heated exchange that originally instigated between Tybalt and Mercutio, then eventually, Romeo got tagnled in it.  It originally started when Mercutio got stabbed by Tybalt, when Romeo jumped between them.  I'm sure Romeos intention wasn't to get in the way and cause his death, it was probably just to help.  Never the less, Mercutio and my good friend Tybalt are dead, and the only one that managed to escape with his life, was the one person I dislike the most.  Romeo.  His punishment should be death!  Tybalt payed the price of his life for his crimes, I don't understand why Romeo shouldn't have the same fait.  Instead he is simply "banished from the land of Verona."  Everyone knows that banishment is simple an easy opportunity to start over else where.  I suppose I shouldn't be complaining, in a few days time I get to Marry the fair Juliet, and with Romeo out of the picture, I'm suyre we'll live a long, healthy, happy life together, just the two of us!


  1. You are wrong! Two people have already lost their lives and a third would do no good, Tybalt got his punishment for killing another, Romeo was just the one who delivered the punishment. If you believe Romeo should be killed then surely you believe an executioner should be killed if he does his job as well.

  2. I wouldn't count my eggs before they've hatched good Paris. I think you may find your "new wife" a little less than willing to be yours than you might think - Benvolio Montague

  3. Cant wait for the wedding :)

  4. Thank god Romeo's gone now make your move on Juliet before it's to late!

  5. Any life taken is a tragety, however I am very happy that my good friend Romeo was not one of the unfortunate ones that did not survive.

    I am very excited for the wedding of my dear Romeo and the fair Juliet. Young love is such a precious thing.
