Wednesday 7 December 2011

Interview questions

What were your feelings during the week leading up to your wedding with Juliet?
I was more than excited to marry young Juliet, the wedding was not coming fast enough. So I would say my biggest feeling was just patience.

Did you have any second thoughts about tieing the knot?
I absolutely did not have any second thoughts! All I could think about is making Juliet all mine officially so no other guy can touch her.

Did you get any feelings that your love with Juliet only went one way, that she was being forced to marry you against her will?
I did get a small feeling that she was more interested with Romeo than with me. I am not sure why she would be though, I am a much better man than him. I am positive that I will win over Juliet's love once she really gets to know my awesome personality.

Did you feel threatened by Romeo at all, considering his love for Juliet?
Romeo is not a true threat to me. Everyone see's that I am more suitable for Juliet and better looking than Romeo. Also I have the perimission of Juliets parents which is a very important part to getting married.

What exactly did you feel the moment you found out that your love had killed herself?
At first I felt absolutely horrible. What a coinsidence that she would be found dead the day of our wedding! Then I started to become a little bit suspicious, I bet that Romeo had something to do with this. It's always his fault.


  1. Romeo is a better man than you will ever be. Now neither of you can have Juliet.

  2. Hahahahahahha! You got ditched! #Romeofordawin!

  3. I must apologize. It seems that I have "led you on," although that was never my intention. I feel that it must be said however, that there was never any chance for you. It was always Romeo, from the moment I first saw him. I never really wanted to marry you, it was a ruse. You will find the right woman for you one day, but remember: she isn't me.
